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1. If you are a Ojibwa woman living on the rez, you are required to own a cotton onsie housedress with two square pockets in the front that can be just right above the knee or right below the knee (For your safety: Do not refer to this as a tent dress in front of an Ojibwa woman).
2. You can wear your onsie anytime while at home, sometimes the yard, and sometimes to walk to the mailbox if you are brave enough (Depends on the time of day)!
3. There are two pockets in the front. One is for your kleenix. The other is to keep your tightly clenched fist hidden and in a locked position so you do not haul off and hit someone. They are not for storing your dollars that is for the Indian purse that we will be talking about later in the course.
4. You cannot wear the onsie anywhere outside of the yard without explicit permission from your end point contact. To do this, you must get on the party line, phone, facebook, and/or email and send them a message saying, "I have my onsie on, is that alright?" If the other party confirms that it is ok, you can go over for coffee. However, there is an exception, if you are mad at the other party and are not going to give them any notice, I will always defer to the Angry Ojibwa Woman.
5. Finally, your onsie must be kept in a special place in the house, a place of honor, and a reminder of all the Angry Ojibway Women that have lived before you and given you the great memories and laughter. It is our veteran uniform!

Note: The next class will be on the Indian Purse to be held on Friday, May 11, 2012. Please sign up now.

Betsy McDougall

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