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The Angry Ojibwe Woman has a side to her that their partners love, but others run when the subject comes up...except for Fellow Angry Ojibwe Women. Talking Dirty is a fundamental need for Angry Ojibwe Women.

When two or more Angry Ojibwe Women gather together, Talking Dirty is a given. Here is an example conversation:

Angry Ojibwe Woman 1: Pim brought me a new book with pictures and directions, asked if we could spice things up a bit...

Angry Ojibwe Woman 2: Howah! Pawk grabbed his pole and started dancing last night...

Angry Ojibwe Woman 3: Po knows what I like, he came at me with a gleam in his eye and whip cream in his hands...

The men had already cleared the area, any dawdling teenagers left with gagging sounds in their throat. Anyone not smart enough to grab the little ones on their way out usually comes back with earphones turned up high or they are singing loudly...with the area finally clear of all other “ears”....

...The Angry Ojibwe Women are then free to continue their conversation:

Angry Ojibwe Woman 1: ...he wanted to try out a new pemmican recipe.

Angry Ojibwe Woman was a late night getting the rice finished up, we could of used some of that pemmican. We were starved but too tired to cook!

Angry Ojibwe Woman 3:..and a bowl full of strawberries. He knows how happy I get when I see already picked strawberries. Here, help yourselves!

The above may or may not be how the conversation continued. The important issue is that The Angry Ojibwe Women are able to sit down and have adult conversation without children or men. The men appreciate it too because NOW the children want to stay clear of ANY adults.

WARNING: Anyone not following these social cues are liable to receive not one, but simultaneous Stink Eye. 

A.Nana Mus

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